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If you're...


a teacher, lecturer, or student

For business and economics students, the book shows how genetic computing and open source may transform manufacturing and patents It gives ideas about what startups might flourish in the molecular economy. Learn how whole new industries might emerge from our new capacities to cope with natural hazards.

For students in environment and natural science this supplements course materials:

  • For environment, it identifies challenges to the Precautionary Principle and the doctrine of sustainable development that are posed by molecular technologies, but also by naturally occurring disruptions (see chapter 11: An Elephant in the Room of Environmentalism, and chapter 18: The Right Questions)
  • For natural science, it summarizes new discoveries about naturally occurring climate changes and ecological disruptions that are changing our views about the stability of the natural world and our ideas about gradual evolution (see Part II: Nature's Time Bombs).
  • For scientific ethics, it gives an overview of the ethical questions that scientists have to ask when they are developing these powerful new tools. (See chapter 20: Bypassing the Road to Hell).

It provides endnotes that are accessible to students, and web links that focus on web sites such as New Scientist, Nature, and Technology Review.

The book is extensively indexed for quick referencing.


an executive

Learn about startups that might flourish in a molecular economy, and how a new industry might emerge from our abilities to cope with natural hazards. And guess what? A computer is outdoing your corproate investment advisors.

a health care provider

New research into nanobacteria, malaria, and robotic surgery may alter the way we treat disease along with the priorities that we put on tropical economies

a life scientist

Worriede about a potential ban on nanomaterials ?Here's one potential path out of the impasse that has evolved between the life sciences and environmentalists.

an environmentalist

Molecular technologies and natural changes each pose profound challenges to the Precautionary Principle and the doctrine of sustainable development.

a politician

Guess what? Democracy may not work in the molecular economy without help from artificially intelligent machines.

a librarian

Choice Magazine put Our Molecular Future on its list of Outstanding academic titles.

It provides endnotes and web links that also lead to respected web sites such as New Scientist, Nature, and Technology Review.

The book is extensively indexed for quick referencing.

This is the first book to examine the relationship between climate changes, natural disaster preparedness, and new molecular technologies. It includes a brief history of the development of molecular nanotechnology from 1959 until the present, plus overviews of who are the leaders in the molecular technology field.

This book will be valid for years to come, not just for a few months, because the material it contains reaches far into the past and well into the future.


If you're convinced that...

...machines will never learn to think for themselves

...you're safe from an earthquake because you don't live in a seismic zone

...human beings are more of a threat to our environment than nature is


...then read Our Molecular Future




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©Douglas Mulhall 2002-2015